Why I Chose to Step Away from Digital Marketing and Focus Inward

Sarah Sturgis
3 min readAug 6, 2024


Photo by Nik on Unsplash

In a world where the digital landscape is ever-evolving and the pressure to monetize every aspect of life is immense, I made a bold decision: I paused all my digital marketing efforts. This might sound counterintuitive in an era where online presence often equates to success, but for me, this choice was about something much deeper.

Redefining Success Beyond Financial Gains

For many years, I was immersed in the

world of digital marketing, driven by the

promise of financial success. The metrics,

the strategies, the relentless pursuit of clicks

and conversions — they all seemed like the

golden path to a prosperous future. But as I

climbed the ladder, I realized that true

success isn’t defined by the money you

make. It’s about the person you become in

the process.

Photo by Andrei J Castanha on Unsplash

Authenticity Over Monetization

Every blog I wrote, every campaign I

launched, started to feel like it had a dollar

sign attached to it. I wanted to share stories,

connect with people, and build a

community, but the constant push to

monetize overshadowed these intentions. I

paused my earnings not because I couldn’t

make money, but because I wanted to

reconnect with my authentic self and my


Building a Love Around Life Itself

Life is more than just a series of transactions. It’s about experiences, emotions, and connections that can’t be quantified in financial terms. By stepping away from the need to prove that digital marketing can make money, I freed myself to explore life’s intrinsic value. I began to write not for the sake of clicks, but for the joy of storytelling. I engaged with my readers not as potential customers, but as fellow humans on a shared journey.

The Goal of Success Relies on You

Success is a personal journey. It’s about

finding fulfillment in what you do,

irrespective of external validation or

financial rewards. Digital marketing is a

powerful tool, but it should serve you, not

define you. My decision to focus inward has

allowed me to understand that the most

profound success comes from within — from

personal growth, self-discovery, and

authentic connections.

Why This Matters

Pausing my digital marketing efforts and stepping away from monetizing my blogs was a radical shift, but it was necessary. It allowed me to strip away the noise and focus on what truly matters. My stories now come from a place of genuine passion, not from the need to sell. My interactions are driven by genuine interest, not by conversion metrics.

In the end, I realized that the most valuable thing I could offer wasn’t a product or a service, but my authentic self. By choosing to focus inward, I’ve found a deeper, more meaningful path to success. And that, to me, is worth more than any marketing campaign could ever achieve.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here’s to embracing authenticity and finding success in the most unexpected places.

Thanks for reading ❤️



Sarah Sturgis

Really enjoy being natural with real emotion among personal development as well as digital creation.